Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kye's 1st Birthday Post

October 12, 2011

Getting close to Kye’s 1st Birthday I decided to go back and read a little of the blog that I so abruptly stopped writing. I am in complete disbelief that almost a year later we are sitting here about to celebrate Kye’s 1st Birthday. I have no clue and can’t not understand how Mikie and I got through those first 3 months of Kye’s life. The most challenging thing we have ever been through. Never did we imagine after trying to hard to get pregnant we would be faced with a premature baby who was on oxygen and an apnea montior. I look at Kye now and still can not believe he was as small as a little over 2lbs at one point. He is truly a miracle. We are so blessed he is such a healthy baby boy. He continues to amaze us everyday when we look at him in those beautiful blue eyes. I will never be able to wrap my brain around how we have survived everything we’ve been through…. I just know without God and many prayers from family and friends we would have never been able to. I believe Mikie and I have done everything we can to truly take in every moment of everyday we spend with Kye. I know we will continue to do this. We try not to wish for the next milestone or say we can’t wait for him to do something…because in all honestly I can wait!!! I don’t want him to grow up. He is my baby and always will be our one and only. Our little miracle, our Klove, our Bubba Love, Our Bubba, Our lil BMF, Our lil Mikie, Our Tank, Our KyeKye and mommas lil man. Kye, You have no idea how much daddy and I love you. I pray to God that one day you will completely understand how deep our love is for you. Happy 1st Birthday My sweet Angel

Mikie's Birthday/Kye's One day old

October 17th 2010

Mikie’s birthday!!! While in the recovery room on the 16th I talked to Cher. I was so concerned that about Mikie’s birthday cake that I had ordered. Cher offered to pick it up for me. We were able to have birthday cake on Mikie’s birthday !

I was able to see Kye in the NICU for the 1st time. This sweet precious little baby who I could not hold, touch or even talk to was ours. I had to stand there and just look at him. Never in my life did I ever think we would be standing there looking at our new born son who was 10 weeks early. My heart was completely broken. All of the ideas I had on how I wanted things to go and how wonderful it would be were just completely broken. You carry this child inside you for so long. You bond with them. You are so used to feeling them move inside you and all of a sudden it’s completely taken away in a blink of an eye.

Once we get back to the room Dr. Cone came by to check on me. He was completely amazed and in awe that I was alive. He was not on call the 16th so that is why Dr.Ball did the c-section. He said that in his 25 years of practicing he has only heard of a ruptured uterus twice. Both times were not one of his patience. One of these women did not make it. Dr. Cone said that I formed a blood clot after my uterus had ruptured. He said “we got lucky and some one was looking out for me and not ready for me to go yet.” I could have bled to death is what he said. I did however bleed quite a bit internally but because my body clotted long enough for them to do the surgery Kye and I were saved. It is all because of GOD. He was not ready to see us leave this earth. Nor did he want Mikie to lose his entire family in a split second. I saw Dr. Cone every day while I was in the hospital and he continued to be amazed and stressed the issue that we were alive.

Kye was born

I actually wrote these entries while Kye was in the hospital..... I just read them again for the first time in a year and I decided to post... Praise God, we are SO blessed.

October 16th 2010
It’s absolutely amazing what a wonderful pregnancy I had up until this point. I am still re-playing it all in my mind over and over. I just can’t believe it all happen so fast.
At 3 am I woke up feeling a little cramping. I thought it was possibly gas pains or constipation. By 4 am I was out of bed in the living room walking around hoping this little bit of pain would subside. At 7am I started to get concerned. The pain was getting much worse and I wasn’t sure what was going on. I spoke with my sister and she said it could be a kidney stone so I should go to the hospital because it could cause me to go into labor. At this point I had already called the afterhours line with my doctor and left my info for a nurse to call back. The pain begins to get worse and Mikie wakes up. I call my sweet neighbor Amanda and she suggest I go to the hospital immediately because it could be a kidney stone or worse. We get dressed and get out the door. So concerned Mikie wouldn’t get to eat for a while I literally made him pull over at Morning Kolache’s to get him some food. As we are driving I call the afterhours line and let them know we are on the way to the hospital. The nurse said she would contact them and let them know we were coming.

We get to the hospital and they get me in a room and hook me up to monitor the baby. He was doing just fine but I sure wasn’t. They did ultrasound on my kidneys and everything seemed to look ok. It took them 4 times before they could get an IV started on me. Finally had to get the anesthesiologist to do it. The pain got so bad I started to vomit. At this point they started to give me pain medication. I really have no clue how much they gave me but I was drugged pretty good. I don’t remember a lot of my surrounding but I do remember the important details. Kye’s heartbeat started to drop. It would be really high then drop really low. Dr. Ball started to get very concerned. She went and got another doctor to get her opinion. This other doctor who I don’t know her name came in and looked me straight in the eyes and said “If we do not take your baby right now he will die.” Those are words no mother to be who has tried for 4 ½ years and finally did IVF wants to hear. I was so drugged but I remember turning my head to look at Mikie trying to focus on his face. All I could do is stare. I couldn’t speak. Within seconds there was nurses all over the place asking questions, getting signatures and getting me ready for emergency c-section.
We get to the operating room and I am so drugged and still feeling pain. They prep me for the epidural. It barely felt like a pinch because I was so medicated. Now the doctors still have no idea what is going on with me they just know Kye is under stress and needs to come out. They were thinking it was something with my placenta which is a “normal” thing that can happen. They lay me down on the table and bring Mikie in. They let me know that there will be some pressure on my chest area but not to be alarmed. Looking back I am very thankful for all the pain medication before hand. I really have no idea mentally and emotionally how I would have dealt with all this. The doctor’s are doing the c-section and I hear one of them say “Wow, so that’s what happen.” Mikie stands up to look over the curtain. I still can’t believe he looked and saw all of my insides out on display. Well, there is was…the answer to why I was hurting so bad. My uterus ruptured. They get Kye out and rush him away with barely enough time for Mikie to snap a photo with his iphone. Yes, we went to the hospital but no way did we expect to have our baby. Not 10 weeks early especially. In the recovery room they wheeled Kye in to us once they had him hooked up to oxygen. I remember putting my hand into the isolete and him grabbing my finger. Mikie says his name and he turns his head with those big eyes and looks at us. Then they wheel him away.

That day I was still so medicated that I don’t remember much. I couldn’t cry or really understand what just happened. The next day however was different once reality set in.

Kye Love Sopczak
Born at 1:20 pm
3lbs 5oz
16.25 inches long