Tuesday, May 25, 2010

10 weeks pregnant

May 25th

10 weeks pregnant! Today Juli had to do my ultrasound because Dr. Haddad had to do an emergency surgery. She went to measure little sweet pea but he/she was curled up in a ball that the measurement was going to be totally off. Ofcourse once she measures the baby he/she starts to move! Then all of a sudden the baby has his/her hands in the air waving them around!!! OMG this was so amazing!!!! We said he/she was dancing! I got lots of pics today although I can’t tell what some of them are but eventually I will learn ! Just absolutely amazing. I got in my car and called Mikie as fast as I could. I nearing broke down crying because of what I saw! Our little sweetpea is growing so fast. I joked with him saying that the baby was either dancing or pretending to lift weights. Such a blessing. Never knew I could feel quite like this…simply amazing. As far as the cravings, Lucky Charms has a hold on me pretty bad. I am still wanting red meat…..really wanting beef fajitas right now. Mikie’s friend Justin dropped off 4 boxes of Lucky Charms with a note this afternoon! Really was the most perfect present I could have asked for!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

9 weeks pregnant!

May 18th

9 weeks pregnant!! Baby looked perfect again today! We got such a great ultrasound picture and a good video of the heart beating away! Mikie was in Florida so I sent him the video via cell phone and he was so amazed at how big the baby has gotten and the fact that it is starting to actually look like a baby now!! So exciting! Sciatic nerve has eased up totally so I am a happy camper ! Basically craving red meat, spicy food, and Lucky Charms! Could not be happier!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

1st Appointment with Dr. Cone OBGYN

May 12th

1st appointment with Dr. Cone. Seems like I was there forever!!! Finally got to see Dr. Cone and he was thrilled to see me finally for being pregnant! He did an ultrasound and was pleased to see only one baby. He had concerns of me getting pregnant with twins being so small. He said the baby looks perfect! He said obviously I was not out of the woodworks for miscarriage but he didn’t think it was necessary to even discuss it because he was not concerned at all. Again said baby sopczak looked perfect!!! He also did an ultrasound of my ovaries and proceeds to tell me that some of my sciatic nerve pain could be coming from a ruptured cyst on my right ovary. He said there was quite a bit of blood around my ovary and that could cause pressure. He said my left ovary was pretty large but that is mainly because that is the ovary that produced the most eggs during the fertility treatment. He said the sciatic nerve pain should fade in time. I pray to God he is right. It’s getting to the point of almost unbearable now. Once he was done he gave me a big huge and told me to get dress and go speak to Lynn his nurse. Lynn and I sat down and talked for almost an hour!!! Can we say information OVERLOAD! I really thought I knew so much about pregnancy seeing how for the past 4 ½ years I have studied so much getting ready for this moment. Boy was I wrong!!! She sent me home with tons of info on classes, registering at the hospital, pregnancy info… you name it I got it! She also discussed with me testing for downs. I do not in any way shape or form believe our baby would be a candidate for downs but Mikie and I decided to go ahead and do the testing. I scheduled my appointment for June 9th at 7am. I will be 12 weeks. So, being given all this information I had a bit of a panic attack tonight……. Between all of the info and all of the things that need to be done at the house to get ready for baby and the fact that I hurt from my sciatic nerve…. But luckily it didn’t last long because I have an amazing husband that is so comforting. Bless his heart he gets 9 months of this! (also STILL on the progestrone suppsitories :(

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dr. Appt

May 11th

Visit with Dr. Haddad today. Again everything looks perfect!!! I did discuss with him my issues with my sciatic nerve and he did not want me to do any chiropractic adjustments. He said it was too hard on my body right now. He did recommend stretching. Really not sure anything will help at this point besides a knife to remove it!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

May 9th

Mothers Day,

What a beautiful day! Mikie gave me the sweetest card ever. I cried! I also received many cards from friends and family that I really appreciate. 1st Mother’s Day in a very long time that I was not sad. It was so nice to be part of a day that is so special. I am so thankful for my Mother and all that she has done for me and for us. She is truly an angel. The fam went to dinner last night to Outback with was heavenly!!! My mom and dad and mawmaw gave me a basket full of goodies and a nice card with money. Today we also decided to announce to the world that we were expecting. There wasn’t a more perfect day. Such an amazing response from everyone and so many people have been praying for us. Thank You everyone who made Mother-to-Be Day the best I could have ever imagined.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Heart beat again :)

May 4th

Lets see…. I am going to go back to last week when we started to do the shots in the leg. Seriously couldn’t walk and felt like I had the flu. I was completely miserable. I finally called the nurses on Friday and Rene suggested when I had my next appointment for me to speak with Dr. Haddad about changing to the progesterone vaginal suppositories. Well I decided to go back to the rear end considering the legs were unbearable. Not to my surprise Friday we did the shot in the rear and Saturday I felt just fine besides the massive knots on my rear. So, fast forward back to the 4th of May I have my appointment with Dr. Haddad….. I was giving my blood while he walked over and we started to discuss the switch from the shots to the suppositories. He said no problem at all! He said that all the new patients are now being able to use the suppositories instead of the intramuscular shots. I was like…….that’s just great….He laughed and asked if I wanted to start all over again. I said no way! LOL He did my ultrasound next and I got to see the little sweet pea again and the heartbeat! The heart beat was 150 and he said it looked perfect. I am exactly 7 weeks. I brought a flash drive for him to download all the photos and he even put a video on it J I spent the entire night trying to show mikie the video but it wouldn’t work on our computer. The next day at work I tried while I was at work and it worked! I video tapped it playing on my computer with my cellphone and then showed him that night. (gotta love technology) He was amazed at our little sweet pea’s heart just beating away. So amazing!!! So I tried to take a poll from some of my friends at what their kids heart beats were. Well everyone seems to think it’s a girl. I also did the ring test over the belly…well that showed it’s a boy. The Chinese test showed it was a boy. So really who knows at this point but its so neat to try to guess! Oh all of this is such a blessing J Thank You Jesus!