Tuesday, August 3, 2010

19 weeks :)

July 27th
Week 19

Almost to the half way point! This is flying by so fast for me. Everywhere I turn there is something somehow reminding me of this little boy that will be here before we know it! He is definitely reminding me as well that he exist with all the movement! I absolutely love feeling him, no other feeling in the world like it. Dr. Cone said the Placenta is in the back so I would feel much more of his movements! I keep wondering what he will look like. Such a little blessing!

Mikie had to leave town this week for a oil spill in Michigan. He left Friday morning. I cried Thursday night, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I miss him so much. We have been inseparable for so long that it is so hard not having him with me. I think he informed all of my friends to make sure I feed his son while he was away because it seems that all I have done is eat! I am trying not to have anxiety about the projects of getting the house ready for Kye. It’s hard not to have a little without Mikie here. It will all get done at some point! I just keep reminding myself how blessed we are. I am BEYOND ready for Mikie to come back home!!!!

I have been peeing A LOT recently. I am sure that is because Kye is growing bigger! Ice cream is all I seem to want. I really would eat it 24/7 if I could right now!


  1. Being by yourself stinks! Hope Mikie gets home quickly. I loved being able to feel the boys move inside me. It is the best feeling in the world! Little Kye will be here before you know it!

  2. Hey girl! Long time!!! Its Tiffany Bahney! I am so happy for you and Mikie. I keep up with this blog everyday to see how you are doing...mom asks about you too. Just wanted to drop a line and tell you that I am thinking about you and your new family. Kye Love - what an amanzing name!!! Love you guys! - Tiff
