Tuesday, August 10, 2010

20 weeks!!!

August 3rd
20 Weeks

Half way to meeting Kye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe it!!!!!!!!!!!! Where has the past 20 weeks gone!?!?!?! Mikie is still gone. I miss him so very much. We are trying to figure out if I will fly out to see him or if he will be able to come home for a couple days. I keep sending photos so he can see the baby bump grow.

All I seem to want these days is sweets. Nothing else sounds appetizing at all. My sister went with me to Babies R Us to start registering for little items that Mikie won’t care about. I have been spending much time in Babies R Us lately! I am so thankful for my sister, Natalie and Devon right now. They have been my support group on what we need for Kye! Can not imagine not having them, I would be lost!!!

MawMaw Glorioso came in town and it was so nice to see her. She gave Kye these little booties that are white crochet and just the sweetest little things ever! My sweet neighbor Amanda gave him a swim shirt that has a skull on it! Could not be more appropriate! My sis has given us so much stuff that she used for Lauren and that were unisex. Gosh, we are so grateful for everyone caring so much! I bought 2 hats for Kye. I want to buy everything right now but keep telling myself to stop!!!

I have been feeling pretty good lately besides being sad Mikie isn’t here. I touched base with Peggy’s childcare and gave them Kye’s name and made sure all was ok for him to start!

Feel so blessed that every day I feel him moving inside me. I told Mikie the other day I swear Kye was either wrestling the umbilical cord or acting like it was a punching bag! Mikie said he was probably swinging from it! LOL I can’t wait to see his sweet face.

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