May 12th
1st appointment with Dr. Cone. Seems like I was there forever!!! Finally got to see Dr. Cone and he was thrilled to see me finally for being pregnant! He did an ultrasound and was pleased to see only one baby. He had concerns of me getting pregnant with twins being so small. He said the baby looks perfect! He said obviously I was not out of the woodworks for miscarriage but he didn’t think it was necessary to even discuss it because he was not concerned at all. Again said baby sopczak looked perfect!!! He also did an ultrasound of my ovaries and proceeds to tell me that some of my sciatic nerve pain could be coming from a ruptured cyst on my right ovary. He said there was quite a bit of blood around my ovary and that could cause pressure. He said my left ovary was pretty large but that is mainly because that is the ovary that produced the most eggs during the fertility treatment. He said the sciatic nerve pain should fade in time. I pray to God he is right. It’s getting to the point of almost unbearable now. Once he was done he gave me a big huge and told me to get dress and go speak to Lynn his nurse. Lynn and I sat down and talked for almost an hour!!! Can we say information OVERLOAD! I really thought I knew so much about pregnancy seeing how for the past 4 ½ years I have studied so much getting ready for this moment. Boy was I wrong!!! She sent me home with tons of info on classes, registering at the hospital, pregnancy info… you name it I got it! She also discussed with me testing for downs. I do not in any way shape or form believe our baby would be a candidate for downs but Mikie and I decided to go ahead and do the testing. I scheduled my appointment for June 9th at 7am. I will be 12 weeks. So, being given all this information I had a bit of a panic attack tonight……. Between all of the info and all of the things that need to be done at the house to get ready for baby and the fact that I hurt from my sciatic nerve…. But luckily it didn’t last long because I have an amazing husband that is so comforting. Bless his heart he gets 9 months of this! (also STILL on the progestrone suppsitories :(
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