March 30th
We woke up at 6:30 to get ready to be at the doctor at 9:15. I made Mikie breakfast and coffee but I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink! I wasn’t nervous about anything just ready! We get to the Surgery Center and they took me back to prep me pretty quickly. Of course my little nervous bladder I used the restroom several times. The nurse put the IV in my hand which hurt really bad! Dr. Witz is the doctor that did the retrieval. They took me back to the operating room and put warm blankets on me. Dr. Winn (the anesthesiologist) put the oxygen mask on and shortly after I just remember saying “oh u must have put something in my IV” and…..then I was waking up in recovery drinking ice water. They gave me pain meds and a shot for cramping before we left. Also, got a prescription for Vicodin. We went through the drive thru at Chic fil a and came home and ate. I crashed out shortly after eating…so did Mikie J When we woke up we went outside and layed out for a little while. Today was way too beautiful to be inside all day. I will be taking another vicodin in just a bit. I have some bloatedness and cramping but nothing too terrible. Now, I am a little nervous! I am praying all of the eggs were good and they all make it! We will find out tomorrow how many there was and when the transfer will be. I am more nervous to get that phone call then I was to have the eggs removed. I have to let go and let GOD. Just amazed that our baby/babies will be transferred soon into my uterus!